
34 years old

Antipolo, Philippines

Mother tongue: English

Wants to practice: Spanish, French

Destinations searched: Taiwan, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma)

no. A016026
Empty orange star 90f2899e596361b29e5f5d731c2e60f9a904e3509675160257185907e27c5b04Empty orange star 90f2899e596361b29e5f5d731c2e60f9a904e3509675160257185907e27c5b04Empty orange star 90f2899e596361b29e5f5d731c2e60f9a904e3509675160257185907e27c5b04Empty orange star 90f2899e596361b29e5f5d731c2e60f9a904e3509675160257185907e27c5b04Empty orange star 90f2899e596361b29e5f5d731c2e60f9a904e3509675160257185907e27c5b04 (0)
Contact Ben

About Ben

A writer from The Philippines who calls the road home!

Check out my adventures here:

Other language(s) spoken

Tagalog :

Some details about our home

To improve my language skills, I can host

1 person certain periods, ask me

My household

2 adults

My travel plans

Destinations searched:

Taiwan, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma)

Number of travellers

1 person

Travel periods

I'm flexible, ask me

Travel context

Headed to Taiwan in June, then Malaysia, then Myanmar, then Thailand to try being a digital nomad for a while.