***Je suis une étudiante qui souhaite découvrir le monde proche et loin de chez moi (en région parisienne) ainsi que des personnes de partout dans le monde de sorte à améliorer mon anglais, apprendre l'espagnol et d'autres cultures.
***I am a student willing to discover the world close or far away from my hometown near Paris. Also, I would like to know people from all around the world in order to improve myEnglish, learn Spanish and more about other cultures.
Other language(s) spoken
English :
Spanish :
French :
Destinations searched:
Florence, Frankfurt am Main, Strasbourg
Number of travellers
I'm flexible, ask me
Travel context
***Je souhaite voyager durant de courtes périodes (moins de 7 jours) dans différentes villes d'Europe dans le but de découvrir d'autres lieux, d'échanger nos expériences et connaissances et bien sûre de partager de super moments ensemble. ***I would like to travel during short time period (less than 7 days) in different European cities with the aim of discovering other places, exchange experiences and knowledge and of course share wonderful moments together.
Rating :
friendly :
availability :
punctuality :
Anita is a very positive and nice person. She spend two nights in my apartment and it was great to have her at home. We had wonderful conversations, we did many things together and she was very patient with my French! She is tidy, clean and respectful, I highly recommend her!